Solutions To Common Problems

Gaining Access to a Deactivated Account.

Login issues, reactivating a deactivated account, resetting your password



You cannot login to your account for some reason or you are receiving the following message:



  1. The password has expired.  For security purposes, passwords must be updated every 180 days. 

  2. There have been too many failed login attempts.

  3. During account creation, you did not click the email link to complete the registration and your account has not been setup correctly.


In most situations, resetting your password will allow you to regain access to your account.  


To reset your password:

  1. Go to

  2. Click the Forgot Password Button located on the DMM Web Portal's homepage as shown below: 

For a more detailed set of step-by-step password reset instructions, click HERE.


If you have attempted to reset your password and you are still unable to login, please contact the DMM Support Desk at

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